It's a strange place being premanifest for a disease. You are not yet like the other symptomatic sufferers of HD but you are also no longer in the place of unknowing like those who are living at risk for HD. You are in a waiting room. Waiting for you to be next. Nothing has happened yet but you are constantly either preparing or grieving for what will. But to be honest I don't know what I'm waiting for. I know the symptoms of HD and I have seen them in my father but I don't know what it will be like for me. What HD Polly will look like. I don't know what it will feel like or whether I will even realize. You are constantly watching your parent's journey with HD, how it affects them, how they cope, how it manifests in them, and how other people treat them yet knowing all the while that yours is also to come. You are waiting. You are watching. You are preparing. When I was in my place of denial in my twenties I used to think that this was morbid and completely u...